The legacy of Arturo Sánchez

The legacy of Arturo Sánchez

A unique product can only be obtained with the best Iberian pork.

Our ten
principles that cannot be renounced


A unique and exclusive exclusive

Making unique products can only be achieved with the best Iberian pigs.

For this reason, at Arturo Sánchez we select the pigs for their outstanding Iberian breed genetics.


Pigs born and bred in the pasture, that have always lived in the wild

Our pigs are born, grow and develop in the countryside. A pig that lives in the wild develops more natural defences than in stables.

As they walk more, through large pastures, ravines and in the open air, they get more exercise and their meat is different: with a better texture, more oxygenated and with better fat infiltration.


Everything you need needed is in the the pasture

There, nature gives us everything the animal needs. Our commitment is to always raise our pigs in the best pastures, where there is never a lack of acorns and without over-exploiting the land so that, every year, holm oaks and cork oaks can give us their best fruit.


Feeding with acorns during two montaneras, double the usual usual

A pig that eats more acorns produces better meat and healthier, better-infiltrated fat. In this way, the animal acquires special characteristics that cannot be compared to those of a pig that only has one “montanera”.

Our pigs have two “montaneras”, the second of which lasts at least 4 months and because they are older they are fully developed. This combination of the greater age of our pigs and the amount of acorns ingested means that we obtain products with unique qualities.


Escape from the artificial

There are no better ingredients than excellent raw materials and the passage of time. That is why we do not accelerate the natural process.

All our products are dried in our natural drying sheds and cellars with the climate as our only ally.

Our symbiosis with nature creates an excellent, healthy product with a unique flavour.


Everything happens in wineries and every winery is different

We always hang each of the products by hand, preserving the spaces between them so that they do not overlap and so that the wind heals them on all four sides.

It is essential to observe how each piece evolves, one by one, in order to move it to another cellar when necessary, both in winter and in summer. The wise combination of cellars provides the special character that our products have.


Let nature nature

Once the pieces have been hung in the natural drying sheds, you just have to know how to read what nature gives you: where the wind comes from, at what temperature, with what humidity.

You have to let the winds act when necessary, know when to open and close the windows of the dryers at the right time of day and dryer by dryer. This is our science and our technology, the essence of our know-how.


No watches or clocks clocks and calendars in drying sheds

Time is our ally. It is only by manually opening and closing the windows that we regulate the curing of our products.

There are no fixed rules, we just observe every detail.

That is why we are not industrial: we are artisans of the Iberian ham. We elaborate, one by one, our jewels of gastronomy.


Applying these same same principles with sausages

We must only use the noblest pieces of Iberian pork treated by hand and following our master recipes. The sausages are always marinated by hand.

Each piece has to spend a short period of time in our hood, to dry in the heat of the fire of aged holm oak wood. This is also part of the family secret. We then cure the sausages in natural drying sheds, letting nature do its work until they are ready.


Our truth only manifests itself in one place: in the mouths of our consumers

Our raison d’être is not to produce more, but to delight consumers with different products that offer the authentic and natural flavour of our tradition, piece by piece, year after year, regardless of the conditions that have arisen.

That is why each product we make is unique among Iberian products.

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