Acorn-fed 100% Iberian Shoulder Boneless

The front legs of our acorn-fed 100% iberian pig are used to make Arturo Sanchez’s Paleta Iberica. A unique product. These 100% Iberian pigs have been roaming freely during their two years of life and have a double montanera.

A perfect point of salt given by our natural drying process over more than 30 months gives as a result an excellent product with the perfect fat infiltration.

An aroma and taste that always surprise you.

  • Boneless 1.6-2.1 kg.
  • Minimum 36 months natural curing process
  • Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico certified
  • Iberian pork with double acorn-fed acorn-fed pigs





Acorn-Fed 100% iberico Paleta

The front legs of our acorn-fed 100% iberian pig are used to make Arturo Sanchez’s Paleta Iberica. A unique product. These 100% Iberian pigs have been roaming freely during their two years of life and have a double montanera.

A perfect point of salt given by our natural drying process over more than 30 months gives as a result an excellent product with the perfect fat infiltration.

An aroma and taste that always surprise you.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Acorn-fed 100% ibérico shoulder

867/207 29 g 9.7 g *Saturated (2.96 g)
0.9 g < 0.5 g 4.52 g
Paleta iberica de bellota

INGREDIENTS: 100% Ibérico shoulder from acorn-fed pig, salt, sugar, preservative (E-252), antioxidants (E-301) and acidity regulator (E-331iii).

Gluten and lactose free.

Sliced/boneless:  keep it between 0 and 6 ºC
Whole piece: keep in cool and dry place

Tasting Notes


  • Shiny and even, with excellent grease coverage.
  • Slices of deep red mottled with thyroxine, the amino acid that crystallises as a reflection of excellent curing.


  • Powerful, pleasing, specific, attractive aromas.
  • They remain long, very frank and clear.
    In the background, it presents very sincere notes of fresh nuts.


  • Juicy texture, very pleasant in the mouth.
  • Tender yet firm: preserves its structure during chewing.


  • Fine, personal, balanced, tasty. It is an elegant ham that permeates its fundamental flavours already on the palate.
  • Its excellent balance in salinity reveals the right sweet notes, light and clear, which precisely nuance the characteristic points of bitterness.


Vino fino, manzanilla de Jerez, light blonde beer or young white vermouth from Reus are good accompaniments for Arturo Sánchez acorn-fed Iberian ham.

Other qualities


From our pigs (75% Iberian Breed) of acorn-fed acorn-fed pigs, we obtain the Paleta Ibérica de Bellota (75% Iberian Breed) with a minimum curing period of 24 months, always in our drying sheds and natural cellars in Guijuelo.

Also available in boneless and sliced format.


Made from our Iberian pigs (50% Iberian Breed), 14 months old, with just the right amount of salinity and a completely natural curing process, we once again achieve distinctive properties that can be easily appreciated in its appearance, aroma and flavour.

Also available in boneless and sliced format.

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