Arturo Sánchez,

Unique among the Iberian pigs

Our passion for more than 100 years is to create year after year the Best Iberian Product, unique among Iberian products. We are faithful to the legacy we have received, improved with the know-how of four generations, which is none other than to start from a unique and exclusive Iberian pig and to create each piece through a traditional process, knowing how to act in symbiosis with nature.

Our best selection

We are health

Your health is important and we know it

Iberian ham with double montanera, an antioxidant pleasure

A CSIC-CIAL study shows that Iberian ham has more antioxidant properties when it comes from pigs fed for two montaneras.


and passion

Our passion for more than 100 years is to create year after year the Best Iberian Product, unique among Iberian products. We are faithful to the legacy we have received, improved with the know-how of four generations, which is none other than to start from a unique and exclusive Iberian pig and to create each piece through a traditional process, knowing how to act in symbiosis with nature.

Ham slicing

All you need to know, explained by our master cutter

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