Iberian Prey

Natural Spell

From one of the noblest and most exquisite pieces of the Iberian pig, the prey, we make our Lomito Ibérico. We carefully season it by hand using only natural spices, we stuff it in a double casing (one of them, roscal) and we also tie it by hand. Like all our sausages, the lomito is dried in a bell to the heat of the fire of aged holm oak wood and then cured for more than 5 months in our natural drying sheds. Its smooth and deep flavour amazes the palate and will undoubtedly be enjoyed again and again.




From one of the noblest and most exquisite pieces of the Iberian pig, the prey, we make our Lomito Ibérico. We carefully season it by hand using only natural spices, we stuff it in a double casing (one of them, roscal) and we also tie it by hand. Like all our sausages, the lomito is dried in a bell to the heat of the fire of aged holm oak wood and then cured for more than 5 months in our natural drying sheds. Its smooth and deep flavour amazes the palate and will undoubtedly be enjoyed again and again.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)


Iberian prey

1541/370 34.7 g 18 g *Saturated (9.4 g)
< 0.5 g < 0.5 g 2.8 g


Tasting Notes


  • The acorn-fed Iberian pork loin has a perfect and attractive coating due to the colour of the natural marinade. When cut, the slices are pinkish in colour, alternating with asymmetrical fat streaks. The typical combination of acorn-fed Iberian pork raised in the pasture.


  • The intensity of the aroma increases from the nose to the palate and remains clear in the aftertaste. The aromatic notes of the marinade, the meat and the smoked holm oak wood are well integrated and can be appreciated from the cut.


  • Firm and compact. Sensitive to pressure. Very pleasant to chew due to the alternation between lean and fine streaks of rendered fat.


  • Clean, crisp, with hints of Iberian pork and natural marinade. It remains linear from the moment it enters the mouth and offers a long aftertaste. It is a tasty and firm loin due to the excellent solubility of the spices in the saliva.


Manzanilla de Sanlucar de Barrameda, fino, amontillado, dry white with wood, vermouth Rojo de Reus and toasted beer are the best accompaniments for Iberian acorn-fed pork loin.

Lomo ibérico de bellota Arturo Sánchez cortado a cuchillo

Other qualities


The intense flavour of authentic acorn-fed pork loin. Made from the acorn-fed loin, marinated by hand with only natural spices, tied by hand and dried in a holm oak wood hood.

It differs from ‘roscal’ in the casing in which it is stuffed, known as ‘fibrán’. It is cured in natural drying sheds for more than six months.

For this reason, they achieve this complete muscular and skeletal development, always in the pasture, running free and feeding on the extraordinary acorns of holm oaks and cork oaks.

In this way, they put on or replenish up to 70 kg in the second “montanera” (fattening period). From these pigs come our acorn-fed Iberian hams (75% Iberian breed) which are cured for a minimum of 36 months, always in our natural drying sheds and cellars in Guijuelo.

Available in these formats: whole piece and sliced.


The juiciness and flavour that invite us to continue tasting.

Made from the loin of our Iberian free-range pigs, marinated by hand with only natural spices, tied by hand and dried in a holm oak wood hood.

It is cured in natural drying sheds for more than five months.

Available in these formats: whole piece and sliced.

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